
  • El Camino de Emaús Lutheran Church

    Rooted in the Latinx community, El Camino de Emaús Lutheran Church is a multicultural expression of God’s love and grace changing lives and empowering the poor in the Skagit Valley. They proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through praise, prayer, service, and reflective bible engagement, and welcome all at communion regardless of marital, socioeconomic, immigration or other status. Their service is in Spanish.
    BLC and El Camino team up for combined worship services several times a year (most notably Pentecost and All Saints Day), honoring one another's cultures and languages. 

  • One Parish One Prisoner

    One Parish One Prisoner (OPOP) in a ministry of Underground Ministries. OPOP seeks to equip parishes—faith communities small or large, traditional or rag-tag—in every American town to build supportive pre-release relationships with just one person returning to their community from prison. In the video below, listen to BLC's former pastor, Bethany Hull Somers, and current BLC members speak about becoming an OPOP team. We continue to be changed, to grow in faith and heart, as a result of our commitment to Underground Ministries. 

  • Image by Pexels from Pixabay

    Family Promise

    Supporting houseless families by building communities and strengthening lives. Family Promise does this by adapting and building gaps in service based on the needs of Skagit Valley. This is made possible through a team approach with local churches, community members and businesses networking together. In collaboration with another local Lutheran church, Burlington Lutheran hosts families on-site for a week, four times a year. With volunteer opportunities such as being an overnight host or providing dinner, there are many ways to contribute to this important work. We are proud that BLC former pastor, Laurin Vance, helped co-found Family Promise in Skagit Valley, and we are more proud to continue our partnership with this organization that continues to change lives and help families secure permanent housing. 

  • Collaborative Action Network

    Our newest collaborative endeavor is joining the North Sound ACH's innovative Collaborative Action Network. BLC's membership in this Network allows the church to form partnerships, and work collaboratively with individuals and organizations that are dedicated to vibrant and healthy communities, and the necessary conditions for all to thrive! As a faith community, we are thrilled to participate with this successful and innovative initiative, which understands and takes seriously that greater community health and vitality come through collaboration. Several of our partner organizations are already members of the Network, and we are excited to expand our connections and positive outreach with Burlington and Skagit County.  

  • Informal Partnerships

    Burlington Lutheran has partnered with organizations for special events, (such as our Fall Speaker Series), and we have volunteered with a number of organizations with whom we do not have official partnerships. A few of these include:

    PFLAG Skagit

    Tri-Parish Food Bank

    Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group

    Skagit Land Trust

    Upper Skagit Elders